Nurse's Notes

In the case of an accident, the school personnel provide first aid and make every effort to contact the parent. When we are unable to make contact, or in case of serious accidents, the paramedics will be called.

When a child is ill at school, we will make efforts to contact the parent and/or emergency person listed on the family information portion off the student profile sheet. It is imperative that you keep this information accurate and up to date during the school year. Please call us when you have a change.

Keep in mind that it is important for children to be in school every day. However, home is the best place for a child who is ill.

Waukegan District #60 provides vision and hearing screening, at no expense, for the children. A report is made to the parent only if a problem is detected. Further treatment is the parent's responsibility.

Children exhibiting symptoms of head lice or nits (eggs) will be excluded from school until all nits have been removed from the hair using a shampoo formulated to kill head lice and their eggs. An adult must bring the child to school after treatment, and the student should report to the nurse for re-examination before re-entry.

All medicine administered at school must be prescribed by your physician. A parent or other adult should bring the medicine to school. Children may not carry medicine to or from school.

The parent must return the completed Administration of Medication at School form, signed by the doctor and parent, before medicine may be administered. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in medicine not being administered. In such cases, the parent will be notified to come to School to administer the medicine.

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