There are a lot of ways that you can help our school this year. We are participating in several programs to earn extra income for the school. If you have any questions or wish to volunteer to help please stop by the main office.
Here is a list of the programs you can help us with:
Box Tops for Education
Target School Fundraising Program
Ink Cartridges for Recycling
Books for Donation
Paper Recycling
Target School Fundraising Program
Every time you use your Target Visa or Target Guest Card® at a Target store or, Target will donate an amount equal to 1% of Target Visa and Target Guest Card purchases made at Target and, and 1/2% of Target Visa purchases made elsewhere, to the eligible K-12 school of your choice.*
Ink Cartiridges for Recycling
You can donate your used ink cartridges to Glen Flora for donation. They accept cartridges for all printers. We also accept old cell phones and cell phone batteriesFor more information or to see about donating a cartridge call the Main Office.
Books for Donation
If you or your child have outgrown your books, consider donating them to the school. We are always looking for books in good condition. For more information or to see about donating a book call the Main Office.
Visit the school main office for more information.
Paper Recycling
Glen Flora earns money for recycling paper. Not only are we helping our school but we are helping to preserve our planet. Go to for more information. Our recycler is located at the west side of our parking lot. Please feel free to help us and the environment out by bringing your paper from home. The recycler is for paper only.