
The Glen Flora School Community wants to assist students in developing habits and skills of independent study and encourage responsibility. Learning does not stop at the end of the school day when the bell rings. Our school community is concerned with children's habit formation, and we know positive habits are best built with consistent reinforcement from home. Independent study is an important habit and homework can be a strong tool for helping children acquire the habit of study.

Ideally, parents will expect their children to study at home for a period of time each school day, and teachers will consistently assign homework. Thus, the habit of studying is established by both home and school. Learning time is extended beyond the regular school day.

New students, Kindergarten students, and Grade 5 students MUST have Health requirements fulfilled prior to enrollment. Forms are available in the school office. Additionally, State law requires a complete record of immunizations to be on file for every child.

School Hours 8:20 am-3:03 pm

Pursuant to the Illinois School Code, Section 26-1, children are to be in attendance at school every day unless they are ill, observing a religious holiday, or death in the fami! . It is the responsibility of the parents to insure that their child is in school. Any child w is absent from school without an excuse is considered truant according to the law. The school is required to report chronic absences to the Truant Officer for further action.

Parents should follow these procedures when your child is absent:

1. Parents must call the school before 9:00 am-10:00 am to report their child absent. Our office provides an answering machine so that early calls may be recorded.

2. The school will attempt to call home if the child is not in school after 10:30 AM. and we have not received a call from the parent.

When students are tardy, they must report to the office to sign in before going to class. Tardy means arriving after 8:20AM.

If you would like your child's work because of absence, please notify the office so that the teacher may have advance notice. You may pick up the assignments in the office at the end of the day.

The superintendent or his designee may close or dismiss school in extremely inclement weather. In the event that schools are forced to close, PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. Look on the district home page or listen to the radio for announcements of school closings.

WKRS 1220 AM
WXLC 102.3 FM
WGN 720 AM
WKZN 96.9 FM
WKGA 1550AM(Spanish)


Any child who comes to school will be sent outside for recess at noon, weather permitting, unless they provide a doctor's note. The note must indicate the exact dates the child is to remain indoors. No supervision is available by classroom teachers for sick children.

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